AdGuardHome - requests from other VLANs shown as

Hi all,

I've set up my router with AdGuardHome and Tailscale. Everything works great. AdGuardHome filters DNS requests from my networks and Tailscale. But for Tailscale's requests, all are shown as coming from Requests from LAN are displayed correctly. I've also noticed now, that it's not related to Tailscale, but all requests from other VLANs are shown coming from Do you know what I've to reconfigure?

Actually, I was wrong. I've tested it again and DNS requests from other VLANs are shown properly.

If is the Tailscle of this GL router enabled the exit node?

This device is another client which is from the tailscale network?

Hi Bruce,

Tailscale is installed on GLrouter and have exit node option configured, but I'm not using often. But, I'm using AdGuard home that is installed also on GLrouter remotely using it via Tailscale.