Application Plug-ins URL Not Available?

I tried to install a package recently and message appeared
Failed to update repository list, please check your network and try again.


I then tried to connect to this URL and get Error: [object Object];

Is the repository down ? I was able to install packages a few weeks back.


Found the cause of this and it really seems stupid to me.
I did a factory reset and still not working, did not load refresh the package list via web ui.
Then I tested in terminal, opkg update worked fine.
Lastly I check my firewall, and added a rule to allow port 53 to and now it magically worked in web ui as well. Is there some hardcoded DNS setting in Applications->Plug-ins that doesn't care what your DNS is set to in DHCP ?

@bruce Can you check this?
Maybe it happens because the DNS/VPN changes in the last firmware updates?


If delete the port 53 ->, is it still working?

The operation of the 'opkg update' is the same as the GL GUI..