AXT1800 - Server WG is running, but client can't connect

Good morning, I’m new to the forum. I hope you can help me solve a problem. I’m an amateur in this field, so I apologize in advance for any silly mistakes.

For the past couple of days, I’ve been having trouble getting my personal VPN to work properly. Let me explain in more detail.

I’m Italian, but I live in the UK. I own two AXT1800 routers. One is installed in Italy, and the other in the UK. Usually, when I’m in the UK, I launch a WG server from the Italian router and connect as a client from the UK one, mainly for Netflix or Amazon Video. When I’m in Italy, I launch the WG server from the UK router and connect as a client from the Italian one, mainly for work purposes.

I followed the GLi guides a while ago to set up the VPN correctly, connecting the AXT to the main router via WAN and forwarding the ports (51820). Everything has worked perfectly for at least a year. However, for the past couple of days, I’ve been experiencing an annoying problem: when I launch the WG server, it starts, and the indicator turns green, but I can’t connect from the client (the indicator stays orange). The strange thing is that this suddenly happens to both AXT routers.

I’ve already tried some troubleshooting by looking at a similar post:

But it still doesn’t work. Here’s some additional information to help you understand the issue:

  • My address resolves to my actual IP;
  • I’m behind NAT, with ports correctly forwarded, so my address is private;
  • The WG server starts, but I can’t connect from the client whether I use xxxx.glddns .com:51820 or my public IP:51820;
  • If I try to connect via browser to my xxxx.glddns .com:51820 address, I don’t get the typical “Private Connection” page—it’s as if it doesn’t exist at all;
  • I’ve tried all possible combinations of restarting the router, restarting the main router, unplugging and reconnecting the cables and so on..

I updated both routers to version v4.6.11 a couple of weeks ago. I’m not sure if this has any impact.

If you need more information, feel free to ask :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: all my AXT are visible on goodcloud


give my other topic a try, as it might cover the solution already: How to troubleshoot WireGuard

Try using the WireGuard app for your PC / phone as well to check if it's the routers fault, maybe.

Great, I'll have a look and give a try :slight_smile: I'll keep you posted!