Backup USB LTE connection - advise needed


i have the following issue:

  1. I need tailscale.
  2. I use the "repeater function" to get into the internet.
  3. I need a backup internet connection, if 2nd isnt working atm.

Location: Garden with "vodafone homespot" connectivity and a few automations/iot stuff inside which requires remote control/supervision via home assistant&mqtt.

So far #1 and #2 are working (and i am impressed). However for #3 i am unsure what to do/buy.

A HUAWEI E3372h-320 or ZTE MF79? I read about conflicting IP ranges ( and double nat regarding the E3372h and some required flashing to a E3372s firmware. Its unclear wether this is still an issue or not.

II. a)
I do have a old pocophone f1 here, which maybe able to do usb tethering? However only the latestest old offical firmware is installed and its not rooted. Can this work? Has someone tryed this with the usb modem function working or the "internet" is passed through usb?
I am afraid, that i need to do manual steps if the power is interrupted and i need to fiddle with (re)enabling settings after a reboot (both on my router and the phone). Also since i lack of knowledge here i may waste a lot of time with no positiv outcome and then have to use I. (E3372/others) anyway ?

II. b)
Additional old hardware available is a blackberry bold 9700. I guess this is too old and i read there is a software and bluetooth and manual steps each time involved. So my conclusion is that this is a no go.

Anything else you could recommend to achieve my goal (and hardware thats available in germany)?

Which router (which model?) are you using? -> A1300

Which firmware version is in use? -> 4.5.17 -> 21.02.2 r16495-bf0c965af0
How is your router connected to the Internet?
    By cable via the router of your Internet provider? (If yes, which router and which ISP?) -> No.
    Via WLAN? (If yes, which network and which encryption?) 
    -> Yes using repeater function. 2.4G. What other information shall i provide?
    By cell phone? (If yes, which mobile provider?) -> Not yet.
Which DNS server do you use? (The local one of your ISP? AdGuard Home? Another one?) -> ISP.
Do you use DHCP or static IP addresses? DHCP with reservations.

If i missed some critical information, just ask.

Regards, Feos


Regarding which one USB dongle to available to use, there are too many models on the market, impossible to confirm whether all are available.

Here list dongles that we tested, but some dongles will have '-sub model', which cannot guarantee that we have fully tested.
HUAWEI E3372-607
HUAWEI E3372-902
and QUECTEL modem with USB adapter...

Can change the LAN IP range of the GL router if conflict with dongle.

Probably it requires to manually re-enable the tethering, as after the ios/android re-enable the network sharing, need to click accept or enable button in your phone.

This phone probably is too old to unavailable to support tethering.

Seems as your situation probably the USB dongle is better solution. GL would not recommend anyone brand dongle models. Just purchase what you like, and more patience to try.

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