Barely Capable User Needs Help

Ok, understand now. Can configuration files be loaded to the router from the Admn Panel on my PC, or do I need to download them to the phone? I have subscribed to PIA, and plan to use the OpenVPN protocol unless you think the WireGuard is better.

Yes you can download to a PC and upload to the router in the Admin Panel.

WireGuard does give higher speeds

Agree. However, looking over the Wireguard instructions on the PIA website, it’s a bit confusing. There does not seem to be a place to download config files. The only downloads are app files for different operating systems.

My apologies it would seem that PIA only has router configs files for openVPN not Wireguard. Once you get the openVPN working, you could check PIA forums for a way to do wireguard I am sure you can (may need a Linux machine to get credentials, but get openVPN working before you fall into that abyss)

Did you successfully add your device to the App? As I said before, if you use the App, you only need to enter your account to use PIA WireGuard.

Thanks. I’ve taken a brief break to take care of a sick dog. Will probably try this tomorrow morning.

Apparently, there is a step missing here. I got to the VPN screen, chose PIA which took me to the login screen and entered my PIA credentials but it will not connect. I assume that is because the internet access is turned off still at this point? So I reconnected the router to the internet, got to the VPN screen, logged into PIA, selected the Chicago server (closest to me) and it’s been trying to connect for about an hour.

Hi, I just try the PIA VPN on app 2.1.0(141) with GL-AR750S v3.215, it works for me. The first character of the username is the letter p, followed by 7 numbers. Please make sure the username is right.

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I can log in just fine.

Could you kindly provide more info, I can’t reproduce the bug.

No need. I’ve given up and canceled my VPN subscription with PIA. May try another provider later.