Beryl AX300 (GL-MT3000) crashes every time I use AdguardHome

That is a lot of filtered domains. Most of those lists have large overlaps with each other and require a lot of processing power (relative to these lightweight CPUs in the routers). If a query comes in, it has to compare against all lists in aggregate. Even on my Asus GT-AX6000 which has a Broadcom 2.0Ghz Quad Core processor, it could struggle with so many rules. My suggestion is either or: 1) either drop the rules to something manageable like Adguard + Adaway + OISD Basic list or 2) move the entire config to your pi-hole. Check out this tester from D3ward and do a before and after test gradually removing rules. I know OISD for sure has a lot of overlap.

BTW - why do you have 2 adguard and 2 adaway block lists with different rules count?

Hey there,

i encountered the same issue with AdGuardHome. Unfortunately after activating ADH on Beryl AX I added many of the proposed lists.
This makes the Beryl unresponsive and the settings page of ADH is stuck on loading.
However, In order to reduce the amount of blocklists I need to get access to this ADH settings page.

Does anyone know how to remove these lists without the settings page? I searched the file system for adguardhome* but couldn’t find anything which looks like blocklists.

Alternatively, is there a way to set ADH to factory default without reseting the Beryl?


To remove the list of filters from the yaml config file:

  1. ssh into your router
  2. ps | grep -i adguard
    you should get an output similar to the following, through your working directory will be different than mine most likely
ps |grep adguard
29314 root      683m S    /usr/bin/AdGuardHome -c /etc/adguardhome.yaml -w /mnt/mmcblk0/etc/adguardhome --no-check-update
  1. Note the location of the yaml file
  2. In the yaml file, you’ll find a filters section which will have all your block lists:
  - enabled: true
    name: AdGuard DNS filter
    id: 1
  - enabled: true
    name: AdAway Default Blocklist
    id: 2
  - enabled: true
    name: OISD Blocklist Basic
    id: 1687491148
  1. Remove the filters you no longer want
  2. You will then need to restart AGH either by rebooting your router or by running K89adguardhome restart from your AGH working directory (also found by the ps command above)

thanks for your help.
This is my grep output.

  786 root      997m S    /usr/bin/AdGuardHome --glinet --no-check-update -c /etc/AdGuardHome/config.yaml -w /etc/AdGuardHome -l
 4907 root      1232 D    grep -i adguard

so the relevant file ist config.yaml. I successfully removed all filter lists, rebooted the device and it does work now.

Awesome! Glad it worked out

@phantasm22, do you know by any chance what’s the maximum amount of list entries the BERYL MX can handle, to avoid a stuck device?

I would expect it to be somewhat variable depending on what your router is doing. For instance if your router is running as a VPN client for openVPN then it’s consuming more processing resources. In general though I would try to keep it below 300k-500k entries to be safe. You may find you can go slightly more or less though.

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