Before the upgrade everything worked fine. However, my devices are not able to connect to the internet if the option Block Non-VPN Traffic is enabled. I also have GLOBAL PROXY on the VPN Client.
If I un-check Block Non-VPN traffic then my devices get internet via the vpn but I am worried my IP would get exposed or leaked if the 'block' option is not there and vpn fails.
Hello, I have the same issue. My router is AC1200. I just found out that this option exists and as long as I turn it "on" it doesn't matter whether I have VPN active or not, I don't have proper connectivity, connections time out.
Now, I think it is indeed so that if there is a VPN connection active but it happens to malfunction for one reason or another and, e.g., lose connection for some time, then traffic wouldn't be rerouted outside of it. However, my desire is to prevent (if possible) any traffic outside the VPN, regardless of whether we have a VPN active or not. People make mistakes sometimes and I don't want a possible traffic-outside-the-VPN leak to be dependent on how vigilant I was regarding having a VPN connection turned on.
It turned out for me that the DNS settings were wrong (not sure why). I've changed the DNS to be AUTO and that fixed the issue. I also tried dnsleak and other tools to make sure no leak and works fine now.
My main concern is that I use this for work and leaking my real IP or anything else would make IT alarms jump right away. Hence, I needed to be 100% everything was working ok. After the upgrade I quickly checked on the 'whatismyip' and showed the ISP for some time and I knew right away this was wrong and not good.
Right now seems to be back to normal. VPN Client -> Global Proxy with the 'Block Non-VPN Traffic' enabled.
DNS shows:
Encrypted DNS
DNS over TLS
I am not sure if the above DNS is optimal. However it shows the DNS locations to be close to my VPN IP which is what I want - need.