Brick gl.inet gl-mt6000 Flint 2

gl.inet gl-mt6000 no interface Uboot web after installation bad Firmware openwrt. What to do to reinstall the original Firmware. Good to you.

Did you flash the factory or sysupgrade image ?

Well, that’s what you get when you install OpenWrt without reading the hints :wink:

Now you have to use TFTP:

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I flashed the factory image.
no web interface Uboot debrick.

how to reinstall Uboot and the original Firmware.
Good to you.

As I wrote before you have to use TFTP now since the uboot function isn’t installed in your image.

Use the manual above and flash with a glinet image.

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You must follow the steps of this router GL-iNet AX1800 debricking by USB and TFTPD - #5 by bring.fringe18
Do the steps in this link work with flint 2?
Good to you.

is there easy tftp gui without command line.
Good to you.

Thank you, and how to activate tftp flint 2 function. Good to you.

Since it’s OpenWrt only now all tutorials for GL devices won’t work. You have to read this and try.

Since you are not familiar with those procedures: Why did you thought flashing plain OpenWrt would be a good idea? :thinking:

Because Netflix VPN Bypass was not working. Good to you.

You may also want if it is unbricked flash back a gl-inet factory version for flint 2 i think this would restore back the u-boot partitioning, then only proceed using the sysupgrade ones also for the vanilla OpenWrt :+1:

But im not entirely sure maybe some GL staff can help with this with restoring u-boot :slight_smile: @Dipin @alzhao @alex_zheng

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But was described if you flashed then will be void warranty :thinking:

You mean you flash the firmware,how did you do it ? Hope the Uboot is as it was.

If the uboot is OK, you need to connect you Ethernet cable to one LAN port and your PC, then set PC IP to
then login the web .You will be able to upgrate the firmware.

@ultimoyuki flashed the factory image - u-boot sunk.

Yes, flash Firmware factory openwrt. How to reinstall u-boot. Good to you.