Brume 2 VPN connection issues

Hello! I might be a bit stupid and I have no experience with this kind of stuff, so sorry if noob question (I tried previous solutions but nothing seemed to work).

I bought a Brume 2 device to use a VPN server to access internet and be able to access geo-blocked content in my trips. I tried setting it up, and when I connect from the cellphone (mobile data) the connection is established, but no internet. I seems to be in the local network because when I try I get to the admin panel of the Brume 2.

The connection is done as follows: brume2 is connected via ethernet to the main router. My IP is dynamic and I used the dynamic DNS system of my ISP to have an address like Then, from my main routers config, I allocated a fixed address ( to Brume 2 and I forwarded port 8512 (protocol TCP and UDP, WAN host IP, LAN Host, WAN Port 8512 ~ 8512, LAN Host Port 8512 ~ 8512. Then I setup the VPN server with the default settings and I created a profile. After I scan the QR code with my Android phone, I change the settings with the connection point at

Any tip on what am I doing wrong?

Thank you very much!

Please check How to troubleshoot WireGuard to read about the most common errors.

Hello, as a quick update, OpenVPN works just fine. For wireguard, I still cannot browse internet from my phone when connected to the vpn, but oddly enough, facebook messenger works. Do you have any clue? Thank you!