Brume 2 - Wireguard connection okay, software VPN doesn't connect

For the last 2 years, been able to use a Brume 2 client connecting to a remote Brume 2 server and then use a business software VPN to connect to work's network. Recently, we had a problem where the Wireguard connection works but when you try to run the software VPN, it is not detecting an Internet connection at all. It is seen as being on the network but tech team cannot figure out why it won't connect to the VPN.

My ISP recently had issues that forced me to redo the profile for the client and am using that. Work said to check if our ISP is blocking port 443. How is the easiest way to check this? I would need to connect to the modem to forward port 443 to the Brume, correct?

Firmware 4.6.2 - hasn't been changed since before the issue started.

You can't really check because WireGuard uses UDP, not TCP.

Best way is too just rework all your WG config to the new port and … test it.

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Is this name ' SoftEther VPN'?

Try to change another port for the WireGuard server.
If the ISP still block that port, no idea,

No, it is Cisco's VPN client.

Looks like port 443 isn't blocked. Connected to VPN and ran port queries via UDP and TCP.

Starting portqry.exe -n -e 443 -p BOTH ...

Querying target system called:

Attempting to resolve IP address to a name...

IP address resolved to


TCP port 443 (https service): LISTENING

UDP port 443 (https service): LISTENING or FILTERED
portqry.exe -n -e 443 -p BOTH exits with return code 0x00000002.*

I don't know this tool not how it should query against ports which are not UDP by default.

Understood but port 443 is generally associated with TCP. I accidentally had it look at both but the key is that port 443 on TCP is in a Listening state. That means it isn't blocked.

I don‘t understand what you are trying to do, to be honest.

443 TCP is always open since it is HTTPS.
You can try to run OpenVPN there - but not WireGuard since WireGuard is UDP.

So what is this check about? :thinking:

Sorry, I misunderstood something. The people that have the Cisco VPN software client being used is saying check with the ISP if port 443 is blocked. The test I did shows it isn't - it is "listening" on port 443.