Brume router speeds

what kind of speeds can this device work with? I’m not seeing more than 150-190mbps when pulling stuff over the internet, but i’m not sure if that is normal for this hardware. I have a 400mbps connection. I’m not using a VPN or anything, just using it as a normal wired router for my two PCs.

Would these speeds lower if I installed normal openwrt?

Did you enable real time statistic in settings? Turn off and try again

that setting is not enabled. ran a variety of tests and its still not hitting more than 190mbps at most. downloads seems to hit that hard cap as well. i rebooted the modem, router and only have a single PC turned on and connected to the brume.

same here… with WIFI is worse however with a wired connection to the PC i am getting in the same range with a 500Mbps connection

are you using the latest firmware? I forgot to mention I updated to 3.203 as soon as I got the device.

yes…using the latest firmware…

thinking about downgrading to the last version and trying it out