Busy request issue

In the last few days I am experiencing the Busy request issue when I try to use GooCloud functions (remote router management; S2S, and App):

Is this a common issue or is it just my GoodCloud account issue?


hej santi, I have the same issue hiere on Europe goodcloud server

I use the Europe server too.

I have the same problem
Busy request

I also encountered the same problem on the Asian server

So it looks to be a common issue for, at least, Europe and Asia servers.
@Leo any news about when will it be fixed?

Hi, @santi.calderone please try again.

@bravo74 please try again.

It looks like it works now.

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Now is working

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@Leo , unfortunately, this morning, another issue showing “device response timeout” , makes the good loud not working again.
Has something modified this night?

@Leo I do not know if something has been done in the last couple of hours or if the issue I experienced two hours ago was just an intermittent one, but now the issue disappeared …