Can not bound the device in goodcloud

I have set the device bound by my goodcloud account. The device is still showed no any bounded. This situation occurred many times in my devices.

I just saw another post with the same EXACT issue. It might be server-side upgrades.

Indeed, it was.

If the issue still exist, please let the staff know here.

Does any staff follow this problem and find the way to fix it?

Try disable goodcloud in your router. Re-enable it again. Hope fixed :grin:

I have tried that, but it didn’t work.

Maybe problem server side with ddns🤔
Are you sure correct region?

Disable both ddns and goodcloud. Then re-enable them again.

I never turn on the DDNS. I have re-enable goodcloud many times. Then it didn’t work.
This situation does not happen once, but it happened more than 6 times in my different 6 devices.
Sometimes, after I reset the system, and I do the goodcloud setting again, it worked. But it still didn’t work after resetting in some devices. It happened in my AXT1800, MT6000, AX1800.

Could you please provide the complete MAC address of the device to our technical support

It seems that your device has VPN enabled. Please close it, close the Goodcloud connection, and reopen it

If you want to use both VPN and Goodcloud simultaneously, please refer to the following documentation
v3.x Cloud - GL.iNet Router Docs 3

v4.x GoodCloud - GL.iNet Router Docs 4

I have turned off the VPN and goodcloud. Then reopened the goodcloud. However, it still can not show it be binded in the device admin.

In my goodcloud system, I still can see the device in my list, but offline. I have no way to unbind in goodcloud page. However, in the device admin, it shows no any binded.

The point is I can’t remove this device from my goodcloud list, and I can’t re-add in my goodcloud. It becomes stuck.

Okay, we will always work with you to solve this problem

Can you use the SSH tool? I need to obtain more log information through SSH to solve this problem

Step 1: Open the cmd tool on the computer and enter ssh root@

Step 2: Enter the password to enter the router’s SSH interface

Step 3: Execute the following command

Step 4: Close and then reopen the goodcloud connection

uci set gl-cloud.@cloud[0].log=‘DEBUG’

uci commit gl-cloud

/etc/init.d/gl-cloud restart

logread -e cloud -f

Step 5: Give me a screenshot of the printed log

thanks for your support.
the screenshot of log as following, this result is in the no VPN status.

root@GL-AXT1800:~# uci set gl-cloud.@cloud[0].log=‘DEBUG’
root@GL-AXT1800:~# uci commit gl-cloud
root@GL-AXT1800:~# /etc/init.d/gl-cloud restart
root@GL-AXT1800:~# logread -e cloud -f
Sat Mar 2 09:00:34 2024 gl-cloud[5384]: (gl-cloud:230) fetch server from:
Sat Mar 2 09:00:34 2024 daemon.err gl-cloud[5384]: (gl-cloud:234) fetch server fail: resolve "" fail: server failure
Sat Mar 2 09:00:34 2024 daemon.err gl-cloud[5384]: (gl-cloud:495) reconnect mqtt in 40s...
Sat Mar 2 09:01:14 2024 gl-cloud[5384]: (gl-cloud:230) fetch server from:
Sat Mar 2 09:01:14 2024 daemon.err gl-cloud[5384]: (gl-cloud:234) fetch server fail: resolve "" fail: server failure
Sat Mar 2 09:01:14 2024 daemon.err gl-cloud[5384]: (gl-cloud:495) reconnect mqtt in 80s...
Sat Mar 2 09:02:34 2024 gl-cloud[5384]: (gl-cloud:230) fetch server from:
Sat Mar 2 09:02:34 2024 daemon.err gl-cloud[5384]: (gl-cloud:234) fetch server fail: resolve "" fail: server failure
Sat Mar 2 09:02:34 2024 daemon.err gl-cloud[5384]: (gl-cloud:495) reconnect mqtt in 160s...

Based on the logs you provided, it appears that your device is unable to access our GSLB authentication service, which may be due to DNS functionality. Please check the DNS configuration on the device management page.

If still cannot solve this problem, we have two solutions.
Option 1: Reset the device and delete the device binding in Goodcloud. After resetting, bind Goodcloud again

Option 2: We provide remote technical support, which requires us to be able to remotely access your computer desktop. We recommend using Anydesk for remote software

If you choose option two, please send an email to our technical support account in the following format:

Remote support time zone and time: xxxx

Remote software name: xxxx

Device identification code provided by remote software: xxxx

Remote access verification code: xxxx