Cannot access AdGuard settings when connected to the remote router via GoodCloud

I am trying to access AdGuard settings on the a remote router while I am connected to the router via GoodCloud. The problem is that when I try to open the web page with AdGuard settings from the router GUI, the browser is trying to open the following link:


How is it even supposed to work because the URL does not contains device id?

The link to open Gl-iNet GUI contains some device specific parameters for example

“”“”“_GL.iNet - Connecting The World To Secure Wi-Fi”“”"

and therefore it works.

Am I missing something here or opening AdGuard settings via GoodCloud is completely broken?


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Remote access requires an intermediate server. Your 3000 is connected to port 3000 of the server, not the router. rtty does not allow this type of port operation.

i had the exact same question, I was able to do this through a port forward:

You shouldn’t do this because it will expose the port 3000 completely, which is insecure.
Go with VPN instead.