Cannot Uboot for AR300M no BLINK!

cannot Uboot for AR300M no BLINK!

am connection ar300m to my mac configured the ip to and pointed it to

pressed the reset button and turn it on, the led keep green and never blink untill it turn on :confused: !

help me!

Please keep holding the button. The early version of uboot is slow. It needs almost 5 seconds when the LED flashes the first time.

bro am almost keep holding it for a minute! and nothing! no blinks!

When did you buy this?

Does the reset button work after the router boot? e.g. revert to factory default status. I just want to know if the button works.

If the button doesn’t have problems, maybe you are using an very early version of the uboot, when the uboot doesn’t have this function. Are you able to reflash the uboot?

how to reflash uboot?

bought this 1.5 month ago thru amazon , yes the router is reseted multiple time dear … but the led never flash … i will try taking a video

To flash uboot, please read here: Overview - GL.iNet Docs

You need to have UARt adapter, familiar with uboot and set up tftp server. The command to replace uboot is ‘run lu’

here it is

i dont have it :frowning: and am not familiar :confused:

I see. This uboot don’t have the UI yet.

any solution ?

any solution ?

can you please check if you have the skills to exchange the uboot according to the guide.

well i can do it but i dont have the UARt adapter

UART adapter is not expensive to obtain. But you need to solder 3 wires as well.

Do you have to use the uboot UI? The stock firmware cannot boot now?

its bootting but am afraid to brickit and plus i want to update am hving problems with the 2.22

does any uart usb work ? if i ordered one thru amazon?

any maps for how to connect it?

USB uart adapter using 3.3V should work.

You can refer to Overview - GL.iNet Docs , the picture is for GL.iNet6416.

For AR300M, please refer to this picture for the pins: