Trying to add a WireGuard profile via a QR code shows a pop-up: Error no parameter found.
At that point the profile doesn’t show on the VPN page, but if you navigate away and then back to that page, it now shows. Tapping on the profile results in a pop-up: Unknow (sic) error.
Deleting the profile and trying to add via plain text also fails. After pasting the configuration into the box, the “Add” button it unresponsive.
I have 2. One on my home server and one on a VPS. The issue is not with connecting, which could possibly depend on the server. It’s with loading the configuration, which is 100% the iOs app <-> MT300N.
I can load both configurations without any problem with cut/paste on my iPad connected to the MT300N. It’s only via the app that nothing works, QR code or cut/paste.
depending on what device you use to generate the QR code, sometimes the whole image doesn’t show, you need to scroll down a bit to reveal the whole proper QR code.