Can't connect via PPPoE

add it manually in /etc/config/networks

ssh to your router
opkg update
opkg install nano
nano /etc/config/networks

here you should have something like this (scroll down until you find config interface ‘wan’:

config interface ‘wan’
option vlanid ‘enter here isp vlan id tag for pppoe’
option disabled ‘0’
option password ‘enter here isp provided pppoe password’
option proto ‘pppoe’
option username ‘enter here isp provided pppoe username’
option device ‘eth0’
option metric ‘10’
option ipv6 ‘1’
option force_link ‘0’

edit vlan id, username and password (ipv6 if needed)
after editing ctrl+x (option ipv6 ‘1’ only if isp provides ipv6/you need it. if not: option ipv6 ‘0’
type y
hit enter
reboot router or restart wan interface/reload network config and it should work


config interface ‘wan’
option vlanid ‘835’
option disabled ‘0’
option password ‘abcd1234’
option proto ‘pppoe’
option username ‘’
option device ‘eth0’
option metric ‘10’
option ipv6 ‘1’
option force_link ‘0’

check with your provider you have pppoe and not IPoE. for IPoE with tagged vlan setup is different

if IPoE (in luci: network/interfaces/devices) you’ll need to add a new vlan (802.1q) device with base device eth0(wan), vlan id xxx (your vlan id), device name (xxx your vlan id) and MAC address the mac from ISP provided router. and after to point wan interface to this new created device - see last post here: Connecting my router to my ONT & ISP - #10 by alzhao

my pppoe

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