Change of language in LuCi

Is there any configuration to change the LuCi language to Spanish?

You need to install a package called “luci-i18n-base-es” or “luci-i18n-spanish” to change the language :slight_smile:

I have a my GL-MT300N-V2 and the Spanish language does not appear, it tells me this error:

Unknown package ‘luci-i18n’.

Collected errors:

  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-i18n.

You must write the entire thing, not just half.

I wrote it in both ways and it gives me the same error

@kyson-lok could you check what’s wrong with the language?

I want to put the interface in Spanish because it’s my language, it tells me this error:
Unknown package ‘luci-i18n-base-es’.

Collected errors:

  • opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci-i18n-base-es.

Ah, i see you didn’t do “update lists”. Press that button in the screenshot above, and then search for the package. Doesn’t work if you haven’t updated the package list.

Downloading 404 Page not found - GL.iNet
*** Failed to download the package list from 404 Page not found - GL.iNet

Failed to establish connection
Collected errors:

Seems you lost connection. It is ok for my testing.

root@RVIT_client22:/# cat /etc/glversion 
root@RVIT_client22:/# opkg update
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/packages
Signature check passed.
root@RVIT_client22:/# opkg install luci-i18n-base-es
Installing luci-i18n-base-es (git-17.290.79498-d3f0685-1) to root...
Configuring luci-i18n-base-es.  

I have internet and I connect to the repeater I can access a facebook, but from the repeater in LuCi I get this errror

OK, we discuss it on another post.