Client Blocking — cannot UNblock a Client

When testing some IP cameras and app I blocked some MAC addresses.
One address will not UN-block.
I can flip the switch; the UI shows it’s working then reports “Success!”. But when I refresh the page the device is blocked again.

Any suggestions?

AR750S, v. 3.025

I just tried, but I can’t come across this issue.

Actually, you can ssh to the router, and execute the command cat /etc/config/gl_firewall, please show me the result.

root@GL-AR750S:~# cat /etc/config/gl_firewall

config access
option name ‘vpn_lan’
option src_device ‘tun-SERVER’
option dest_network ‘lan’
option action ‘DROP’

config access
option name ‘vpn_input’
option src_device ‘tun-SERVER’
option action ‘DROP’

config access
option name ‘mac_block’
option src_network ‘lan’
option dest_network ‘wan’
list dest_device ‘wg0’
list dest_device ‘tun0’
list dest_device ‘tap0’
list src_device ‘br-guest’
option forward ‘DROP’
list mac ‘50:ec:50:2…’

config access ‘block_mac’
option name ‘mac_block’
list mac '50:ec:50:…’
list mac '90:3c:92…’

Maybe your MAC address changed?

No. It’s the 50:EC… address that’s the issue at hand.

I manually edited the file— deleted the two lines listing 50:EC.
In the UI the error is corrected. (I haven’t been able to check the camera due to app issues.)


Could you please edit the file /etc/config/gl_firewall by manual? Just delete all lines contains list mac '50:ec:50*.

And restart firewall via /etc/init.d/firewall restart.

manually deleting the lines and restarting the router solves the problem.

If I flip the switch in UI—block …then later unblock— any such device will remain blocked. Regardless of the number of times the switch is flipped the device remains blocked.

It is strange, I can’t reproduce this issue. Could you please reset to factory settings and try it again?

Erased the device, reinstalled the OS, set it back up manually.
Issue gone.

Thanks for the help Kyson Lok.