Community Guidelines

Please use Search first :point_up:
Kindly use the Search feature on the upper right corner of the page to look for existing topics before starting a new topic to avoid duplicated contents. To continue or start a new topic, login or sign up for an account. Remember to check your spam inbox if you don’t see the confirmation email.

Search filter :mag_right:
The search filter is to the right within the search bar, click on Open advanced search to filter results by title, category, author, date, and type of posts.

Engaging with a post :writing_hand:
If you want to reply to a comment, click Reply on the lower right corner of the comment, and your content will show reference to your replied comment. You can also like, bookmark, export the comment’s link, and even share sections of a post by highlighting it.

Direct message :e-mail:
If you want to contact a user, click on their icon and a pop-up box showing their profile summary will appear. Click on Message on the upper right corner of the box to write your message. You can also organize all your messages by clicking on your profile on the upper right corner of the page, go to the message tab, and click on the show all button at the bottom of the list.

Be nice :snowman_with_snow:
People responds well to nice tones and are more open-minded to opinions in well-mannered debates than rude arguments. Kindly keep this in mind if your goal is to influence opinions instead of winning arguments.

Encouraged Contents :pen:
If you don’t know where to start, feel free to share what GL.iNet products you are using, the reason behind selecting our products, and what would you like us to improve!

Introducing our admins and valuable members :scientist:
Our admins aim to create a friendly and engaging environment for users to seek technical help and voice opinions about both existing and future products. Our Chief Technology Officer @alzhao is also part of the admin team to help solve technical problems!

Active users and achievements :trophy:
Ambassadors – selected active users may apply to be an ambassador for creating contents for benefits including gifts, coupons, free routers for review, or even paid incentives for professional contents.
Beta testers – active users may apply to be beta testers for our products, you will also be notified when there is a product launch, and your reviews are highly valuable for us to improve our products.