Compare perf of WG on Beryl AX

Today i compared performance test of wireguard on same conditions. On gl.inet firmware 4.5 based on openwrt 21.02 i get 370 Mb/s, but on vanilla openwrt 23.05.2 i get 500 Mb/s. Interesting when developers will release new firmware based on new openwrt version.

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Did you have any trouble/discover any issues flashing vanilla? This is only the second time I’ve ever seen anyone report flashing full OWRT on a Beryl AX. How’s the Wi-Fi speed, range, etc.?

I also didi it. The wifi range on vanilla OpenWRT is much better too.


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We are adapting mt3000 bases on openwrt23.05 and plan to release on v4.6.

It’s very simple:

  1. Get from OpenWrt Firmware Selector sysupgrade image.
  2. Go to System - Advanced settings in the web of router
  3. In LuCI go to System - Backup/Flash Firmware, push “Flash image” button and select file from step 1
    4.After few seconds process complite. New address of router is login root with blank password
    If you want revert original firmware you need do this instruction.
    About issues… I can’t run Wifi 5Ghz with 160Mhz width. Max speed is 700 Mb/s on this firmaware, when about 960Mb/s on original firmware with 160Mhz width.
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I try 4.6.0 alfa firmware based on OpenWrt-23.05

Better, but not so good than vanilla firmware.

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