My MT3000 router will not see any WPA3 only networks. What is the solution to this? How do I get it to see a WPA3 only network?
Thanks, Dion
My MT3000 router will not see any WPA3 only networks. What is the solution to this? How do I get it to see a WPA3 only network?
Thanks, Dion
That's unusual, the router should be capable of WPA3 only.
Can you tell us more details about the network you want to connect to?
Which firmware are you using?
I have a MT3000
I’m trying to repeat a 5GHz WiFi network in New Zealand (NZ)
I have gone to LuCi
Network/MTK WiFi
And set 2.4GHz and 5GHz to NZ-New Zealand
But I cannot see all the 5GHz networks I’m expecting to see networks that my iPhone/mac/PC etc can connect to.
What other settings do I need to change?
The network is using WPA3 only.
I have tried WPA3-PSK and WPA3-PSK/WPA2-PSK
But neither work.
When I change my home network to WPA2/WPA3, then the MT3000 can see it; but not if it’s in WPA3 only.
I’m stumped, some help would be appreciated please
I’m on firmware 4.7.0 release 3
Does this give you the information you need?
Thanks, Dion
@admon does the information above help at all? It’s firmware 4.7.0 release 3
What if the op24 firmware for the MT3000?
I'll try that. Should I be trying:
or do I just try both?
Hi @bruce I first tried 4.6.6-op24 and then I tried 4.7.0-op24
Both worked with a WPA3 only network.
Both seemed to work well.
I have stayed with 4.7.0-op24
I realise that I now have a different branch of firmware, the OpenSource?
Two questions:
is this op24 firmware maintained? ie in staying on this, will I receive regular updates so my router stays secure?
how do I change the routers WiFi country settings. I used to goto Luci / Network / MTK
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it
Yes, 4.7.0/4.6.4-op24 is open-source firmware.
Luci > Network > Wireless > Edit > Advanced settings.
BTW, I tested the WPA3-SAE only, both the stable firmware and op firmware repeat well, the issue does not reproduce.
Primary router:
Stable firmware:
Hi @bruce thanks for your response.
I notice your screenshots are for different hardware. I'm using the GL-MT3000. Are you able to try using a MT3000?
Your connection made me go and dig depper on my network.
2.1) If I setup a mixed WPA2/WPA3 network, when I scan on 4.7.0, it lists the mixed WPA2/WPA3 network, but not WPA3 network
2.2) In v4.7.0 I can then connect to this network, it connects using WPA2
2.3) In v4.7.0 I can then change this network manually to WPA3 and it works
2.4) I still cannot see any WPA3 only networks in 4.7.0
2.5) I can see all networks in 2.7.0-op24
Maybe there is a scan log that can be generated from the Open Firmware, and that could be compared with the Propriety Firmware?
I have attached 3 logfiles:
4.7.0 - and a scan
4.7.4 (beta) - with a scan
4.7.0-op24 - with a scan that works
These above logfiles are straight after flashing the version of firmware, and a network scan
Thanks, Dion
logread-4.7.0-op24.tar (126.5 KB)
logread-v4.7.0.tar (185 KB)
logread-v4.7.4(beta).tar (178 KB)
In your syslog, I do see that in the 4.7.0 stable and 4.7.4 (beta) firmware can not scan the saved SSID, but in 4.7.0-op24 can scan it.
However, I'm unable to reproduce on my MT3000 locally.
Primary router: AXT1800, WPA3-SAE Only
MT3000 v4.7.0 stable, repeater scan and connect without issue:
In addition to Ubiquiti devices, do you have other APs or wireless routers? We d like to do a comparison test, like primary router is GL router.
Hi @bruce I'm sorry, but my workplace uses Ubiquiti, and I use that at home too. I don't have any other WiFi options available to me. I have older router/ap, but they're all WPA2.
Regarding this issue, we did not reproduce, could you please share the router with us via the GoodCloud?
Please PM @weiming.he and me, let us know the router MAC and Web UI login password.