Critical Security Update Available for GL.iNet Routers

To all GL.iNet users,

We’ve recently released new firmware versions for specific GL.iNet routers to address some critical security vulnerabilities we’ve found in them. This update includes fixes for CVE-2024-45259, CVE-2024-45260, CVE-2024-45261, CVE-2024-45262, CVE-2024-45263.

For more detailed information, please read this security advisories..

To ensure the optimal security for your router, you are advised to upgrade your router to the latest firmware if you’re affected. If you want to learn more about the latest firmware version (including the OpenWrt version) available for your router and your router’s support status, visit the Firmware Status page.

For any questions, please send us an email at at any time.

Best regards,


Thank you so much for your efforts!


I use GL-MT6000 with stock OpenWrt.
Am I also affected by critical security vulnerabilities?

I dont think GL is concerned about stock Openwrt. You should try to ask in the OpWRT community instead.

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You should be all right!

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