Custom Exist Node not working on Flint 2


When using custom exit node on Tailscale on Flint 2, internet stops working, Same is working fine from Android or Windows device.
Even the Subnets were exposed on the Tailscale side, not sure what could be the issue. Also it is running old version, 1.66.4-1 (OpenWrt), current is 1.70

Did you approve the subnet routers in Tailscale dashboard for the Flint2?


If not approve the subnet routes, the LAN devices behind the Flint2 will be disconnected, only the Flint2 itself connected to exit node.

Yes I approved it, it was my ISP IP and LAN IP

  1. May I know what exit node is in the Tailscale?
  2. Try to check if in the phone Tailscale APP with this exit node works.
  3. Try to downgrade the Tailscale version back.

It was running on the ubuntu at one of the major cloud service provider but more now I've paused it.

How about the 2 and 3?