Hello everyone;
I have 2 GlInet Modi v2 devices and there was an update available and i tried updating them. But then they just kept in boot menu for hours. I tried literally everything like is mentioned in the guide. Even contacted support via skype who knew even less than I did.
Can anyone help me debrick thr two devices? I downloaded the firmware, atached to 3 different pc’s, used different kinds of cables (all of them) folowed the mentioned steps online and in the youtube videos. But nothing. They start up both, say booting on the screen and stop at around 90%. See picture below of one of the devices.
And the worst part is that this happened when updating through web Ui
Now i am so tired of it I’m thinking about throwing them away and just buying new ones..
Is there anyone who had similar issue? Pls help i’m reLly stressed out from it
@bruce Can you help or is this a topic for CS?
If is the LAN+typeC adapter connected to the E750 typeC not USB-A.
May I know if is the uboot debrick complete and successful?
Can you currently connect to a lan?
Then type in your browser
Or you can try the 3.0 firmware first
Update: if the 3.0 firmware still cannot debrick, please email to the support@glinet.biz, to see if can try to go to CS.
Injust thought about it when you mentioned LAN, I have internet that comes from a sim card 5G network. I do have. Modem though zo also a lan i suppose.
Maybe that’s fhe issue?
Do you even need to have active internet on your lan?
Bcs i tried both with and without.
And see picture if you mean like this?
And then another cable next to the ethernet port going to the pc also?
@bruce @ywp forgot tonad you
And yes YWP I did all of that.
I’llntry the version you mentioned.
But i think its time to
Buy new ones if it doesnt work
Hello I do not have the originals anymore but i do have a lot from different gadgets. And I’ve tried quite a few.
But i cant even get to the uboot web ui.
And i started looking into why, and as i understand, i have to download it?!?! But that is not mentioned anywhere at all!
See link in GL website:
At the end of all code (which I have no idea in how it all works) you see this:
Then if you click the link you get back to the beginning of where the guide for UBooting is with the video. Link :
Then here again where it said to download the bin file to upgrade the uboot which is the latest from 2y ago. See pic
Nw i downloaded the latest uboot. But what is mentioned on the first link in this post with making and adding code to an existing uboot I can’t do that.
So if anyone has a suggestion it will be welcome.
I have been never so angry that i can remember in my 30years
And i dont know why but i just want to fix it bcs otherwise my selfimage will be gone
I easily could have bought new ones.
I even almost did a couple hours ago but then said “wait lets try one more time”
And atm i’m regretting i did:triumph:
May I know if this C-C cable from the E750 to Adapter is right in yours? like the above image.
You may should follow this guide to debrick the firmware:
Not need to flash the uboot, it should flash this firmware (as the arrow) in the
(Not the
Yes the C to C is correct, power off, the ethernet cable and C next to ethernet on the middle peace to C on laptop.
Btw what does this mean? It happens when i turn it off while it is atached to the pc
Yes it did appear i did exactly like in the video and instruction.
If you want give me a call i’ll put my canmera on ans show you