DHCP keeps failing

I have an MT6000 that was working fine for months. Then Wednesday it suddenly stopped being able to connect to website.

I reset the firmware and it worked again for a couple hours. Then it no longer could connect again. Windows said there was no DHCP service.

I upgraded to firmware 23.05.5 and the above happened again.

I reset the firmware and it worked for a little while again, then lost internet access.

I've done this several more times and it keeps happening after a couple hours.

What is going on? Did something in the router break so now it can't remember DHCP and loses connection?

While writing this I installed 24.10.0 rc5, and that let DHCP resolve addresses but I still have no internet connection. What am I missing?

hmm this sound like a ip conflict.

does it also happen if you change the ip of the flint 2?

Which ip? Its gateway ip and subnet, 192.168.x.1?

I had changed that to different number since my server bookmarks were set to it from a prior router

jup, if the gateway uses the same ip range as the flint 2 then likely it gets blocked by rebind protection.

Though i've experienced myself even with rebind protection off the flint 2 has issues when there are two dhcp servers on the same range.

My guess is that it is a authoritative problem, usually only one dhcp server has to be the authoritative enabled one which is the isp router, all other routers should not have this checked by default, especially not on the same range.