DNS server with VPN

Hello to all,

I am new to the forum, and I am a very satisfied user of the gl-INET products, I would like to create a vpn with wireguard via an external server, and give all the clients present in this vpn the possibility to make DNS requests to my router " mango ", he is also present in the VPN client list.

I would like to do this because in this way all the devices that are connected to the VPN, will use the bandwidth of my external server, but the DNS requests will make them on my “mango” router where I configured the ADBLOCKER with dnsmask.

Sorry for my English, you can do this, I tried but from the server all the requests made through the command:

nslookup domain.ltd (eg the ip of the mango router), arrive at the router but do not come back.

Thanks for the support

Do you have another router working as vpn other than the Mango?

I think the nslookup data is dropped by Mango because it reached its “wan” interface. You need to open the ports for DNS (53) in mango’s wan. Go to Mango’s Luci->network->firewall and set up ports.

I wonder if Mango is powerful enough for adblocker. If you do want a adblocker, buy a Brume and install pi-hole.


Thanks for answering me, but in truth I solved with much less effort :slight_smile: simply deselecting “Local Service Only”, as in the descriptive image.