Does any one successfully setup syncthing on AXT-1800?

Is the syntax error here of any significance?

root@GL-AXT1800:~# ps -w | grep syncthing; service | grep syncthing
  621 root      797m SN   syncthing
 4274 root      1176 S    grep syncthing
 5495 syncthin  796m SN   /usr/bin/syncthing -gui-address= -home=/mnt/mmcblk0/syncthing
 6247 syncthin  798m SN   /usr/bin/syncthing -gui-address= -home=/mnt/mmcblk0/syncthing
28199 root      796m S    syncthing
/etc/rc.common: /etc/init.d/irq-smp-affinity: line 11: syntax error: unexpected ")" (expecting ";;")
/etc/init.d/syncthing              enabled         running

You can’t “grep” for a semicolon that way, because semicolon means “next command”
Try ps -w | grep "syncthing; service" | grep syncthing

(Even if the last grep does not make sense anyway)

I am only following the instructions I have been given.
Perhaps it’s a typo?

Ah, I see.

No, in that case your command was fine.
Syncting is enabled and active.

Right, so that error is just the system saying it has been asked a question it can’t answer because it is worded incorrectly (basically)?

Nah, it tells us that there is something wrong with the file /etc/init.d/irq-smp-affinity - but I would simply ignore it, can’t be that bad.

If I look at that specific file (or any other for that matter), are blank lines counted as lines?

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common


start() {
    local board=$(board_name)

    case $board in
        echo 2 > /proc/irq/81/smp_affinity
        echo 2 > /proc/irq/130/smp_affinity
        echo 8 > /proc/irq/131/smp_affinity

Or is the 11th line the 11th line of actual code?

Or should I be looking at the /etc/rc.common file (the content of which is numbered lines)?

2024-01-26 11:57:24: Failed to create folder root directory mkdir /Snes saves: permission denied

You do not have Synching configured properly. You need to understand how mounted drives appear as directories. You need to read & adapt the configuration file I posted some 30+ posts ago.

OpenWrt uses the /etc/ & /etc/config for system wide configuration. OpenWrt does not include manual pages (man) to save space. See the attached video:

root@slateax:~# tree / -L 1
├── bin
├── dev
├── etc
├── init
├── lib
├── mnt
├── overlay
├── proc
├── rom
├── root
├── sbin
├── sys
├── tmp
├── usr
├── var -> tmp
└── www

I’m not sure which part I have configured wrong then?
I followed your config file and changed all instances of "/mnt/sda1/syncthing " to "/mount/mmcblk0/syncthing ".

config syncthing 'syncthing'
	option enabled '1'

	option gui_address ''

	# Use internal flash for evaluation purpouses. Use external storage
	#   for production.
	# This filesystem must either support ownership/attributes or
	#   be readable/writable by the user specified in
	#   'option user'.
	# Consult syslog if things go wrong.
	option home '/mnt/mmcblk0/syncthing'

	# Changes to "niceness"/macprocs are not picked up by "reload_config"
	#   nor by "restart": the service has to be stopped/started
	#   for those to take effect
	option nice '10'

	# 0 to match the number of CPUs (default)
	# >0 to explicitly specify concurrency
	option macprocs '0'

	# Running as 'root' is possible, but not recommended
	option user 'syncthing'


This conf looks correct. Did you chmod chown the /mnt/mmcblk0/syncthing dir over to the Syncthing ‘user’?

root@GL-AXT1800:/mnt/mmcblk0# cat /etc/config/syncthing
config syncthing 'syncthing'
        option enabled '1'
        option gui_address ''
        # Use internal flash for evaluation purpouses. Use external storage
        #   for production.
        # This filesystem must either support ownership/attributes or
        #   be readable/writable by the user specified in
        #   'option user'.
        # Consult syslog if things go wrong.
        option home '/mnt/mmcblk0/syncthing'
        # Changes to "niceness"/macprocs are not picked up by "reload_config"
        #   nor by "restart": the service has to be stopped/started
        #   for those to take effect
        option nice '10'
        # 0 to match the number of CPUs (default)
        # >0 to explicitly specify concurrency
        option macprocs '0'
        # Running as 'root' is possible, but not recommended
        option user 'syncthing'
root@GL-AXT1800:/mnt/mmcblk0# chmod -R syncthing:syncthing /mnt/mmcblk0/syncthing
chmod: invalid mode 'syncthing:syncthing'

That’s on me. I keep forgetting you’re not using a Linux filesystem on that storage device so chmod doesn’t apply here.

In your case I’d put a # in front of the option user 'syncthing' line in that conf, then check your paths in Syncthing GUI → Settings → Actions → Default Configuration → [ Edit Folder Defaults ] . You’ll need to restart Syncthing (Syncthing GUI → Actions → Restart).

There’s also a log in Syncthing that may be helpful for info under Actions.

It’s formatted as ext4, is that wrong?

It might be just me, but chmod isn’t for user and groups, is it?
Try to run chown -R syncthing:syncthing /mnt/mmcblk0/syncthing instead.

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And what result should I look for if I then use

ls -l


should be syncthing & syncthing as user and group.
If everything fails you can still use

chmod 777 -Rv /mnt/mmcblk0/syncthing for any:any permission.

root@GL-AXT1800:/mnt/mmcblk0# ls -l
drwx------    4 syncthin syncthin      4096 Jan 26 21:29 syncthing

something like this?

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Yup, should be fine.

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Unfortunately, same thing happening.

2024-01-27 12:31:31: Failed to create folder root directory mkdir /HX99G Syncthing: permission denied

2024-01-27 12:31:31: Error on folder "HX99G Syncthing" (l4ee6-zz9gu): folder path missing

I don’t know much about syncthing but your folder is wrong.
Wherever you entered “/HX99G Syncthing” it must be /mnt/mmcblk0/syncthing