Does GL.iNet GL-X3000 (Spitz AX) work with visible/Verizon?

Can I see it remotely?
Do you have a second network that can provide networking to the x3000?

Sorry I was away for a bit. I can set up my other router tomorrow. We can pick a time that works for both of us. I'll be available in 12 hours or so.
I did read up on aggregation a bit and I see that there is no setting as it's carrier dependant. I also checked
QCAINFO: "PCC",5230,50,"LTE BAND 13",1,323,-107,-14,-76,0
This is with B5 blocked. So I have B13 B1 and B323? Or is it something else?
I really appreciate the communication.

sorrt,Tomorrow is Saturday.
I may not be free tomorrow

No problem, if you have any further thoughts on what I might try in the meantime feel free to add them. Maybe Monday could work. is not a good site to test speeds with because carriers see it as streaming and will throttle your speeds if your cellular plan has a streaming throttle i.e. streaming at 480p. Quoted from the Visible site for their standard plan "Video streams in SD". Try

Ok thanks, I only tried recently.
I've used speedtest dozens of time a day for years now.
Here's a screen of a test I just did. I'm actually thrilled at the speeds. This is with B5 blocked. I then unblocked B5 and was expecting trash results again but it was similar. I can make speculations but earlier I saw that blocking/unblocking bands was making a drastic difference.
Back to the screenshot, look at that ping :frowning:

I've learned a few things over the weekend,
Where I was expecting to see carrier aggregation displayed I now know that carrier aggregation is handled by the carrier and is most likely to kick in when network traffic increases.
In my location B13 works much better for me than other bands and after blocking different combos I always block B5 which seems to always connect and give unusable speeds.
I currently have B5 , B26 , B66 blocked and I get decent (exceptional for my situation) download speeds.
B13 is the displayed band I'm connected to.

I removed the window passthrough cables from my waveform quadmini and it has improved my signal.

  • Band13
  • ul_bandwidth10M
  • dl_bandwidth10M
  • RSRP-106Fair
  • RSSI-73Excellent
  • RSRQ-15Poor
  • SINR10Good
  • I've seen -105 RSRP for most of the last day, I know it's not great but for this location it's an improvement.

I had some issues with APN settings not sticking after a reboot and I found one suggestion to do:

"Take out all Simcards (I only have 1)

Go to the router settings page

Click Active Sim Card Sim 1

Turn on Auto Switch

Set Preferred SIM Card Slot to SIM 2

Change SIM 1 and SIM 2 Settings to your preferred settings

Failover Interval 5 min

Checking Preferred Slot Status Scheduled Off

Apply and save all settings

Insert your primary sim to SIM Slot 2

Reboot Router"

I was having problems connecting to my carrier at the time and the failover setting kept switching to SIM1 which was empty and failing, so I turned off auto switch and this still works to keep my APN settings through reboots.

My ping is still bad.
If we connect with a second network can it be my phone via hotspot or other?
My netgear MR1100 does not do B13 and so I get bad service, hence the upgrade.
But if it has to be that device I can try.

Edit to add: my upload speed are really bad too (0.5 - 1mbps) but on band 5 which sucks for download I get 2 mbps.
In my situation, either one works but I wonder if I can adjust my settings to get better results.

Technical Support via GoodCloud.tar (192 KB)
Yes, you can use your phone's hotspot or use tethering
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