You have to install wget, you can in the packages or with opkg wget in the command line interface (CLI) through SSH.
Here is a guide on adding a USB or MicroSD card as storage for the router to use, as well as installing it on said external storage. OpenWRT - ExtRoot Configuration - Expand Router Storage with USB Drive - YouTube
how to use a microSD card to expand the available storage
I already installed a micro sd card but it does not increase for the installation of add-ons
The microSD card has to be set up as Extroot storage:
I do not work for and I do not have formal association with GL.iNet
To answer the original question, YES it has worked for me using the microSD card slot.
Thanks for the link to the openWrt guide @wcs2228 - I’ve set configuration on the latest Beryl-MT1300 firmwa0re 4.3.10 (release1). I achieved this with some changes to the extroot-configuration. Here’s how I managed:
Switch off router and remove any USB devices. Insert microSD card in its slot (this card will be wiped as per below). Switch on router leaving it without any USB devices connected.
Flash router with the latest firmware (in this case 4.3.10 as downloaded from GL.inet support). DO NOT KEEP SETTINGS - this is to ensure that no setting hinders with the custom configuration that follows, and also to take the least possible MB of space of the few left on its ROM.
Connect to router’s web UI and provide new password on welcome.
SSH into router ( default ip) and run the commands below.
opkg update
opkg install block-mount kmod-fs-ext4 e2fsprogs parted
- Verify the name of the microsd card disk.
ls -l /sys/block
By default on this firmware version it is set to /dev/mmcblk0p1
- Run the following in SSH to wipe and prepare the sd card:
parted -s ${DISK} -- mklabel gpt mkpart extroot 2048s -2048s
mkfs.ext4 -L extroot ${DEVICE}
- Configure extroot entry vis SSH:
eval $(block info ${DEVICE} | grep -o -e 'UUID="\S*"')
eval $(block info | grep -o -e 'MOUNT="\S*/overlay"')
uci -q delete fstab.extroot
uci set fstab.extroot="mount"
uci set fstab.extroot.uuid="${UUID}"
uci set"${MOUNT}"
uci commit fstab
- Transfer data using SSH command:
mount -t ext4 ${DEVICE} /mnt
tar -C ${MOUNT} -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt -xf -
Reboot and once rebooted SSH.
Using vi, ensure/add the following lines in
mtk_sd -
Set path location of opkg list :
sed -i -e "/^lists_dir\s/s:/var/opkg-lists$:/usr/lib/opkg/lists:" /etc/opkg.conf
opkg update
- At this point you may need to reboot one last time and then go into the web UI and under plugins install the following plugins: adguard-home & gl-sdk4-ui-adguardhome. You may note that the messages on this firmware reflect an anomaly as shown below, which you can ignore.
Once done you can verify in ssh as follows:
root@GL-MT1300:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 13.8M 13.8M 0 100% /rom
tmpfs 122.0M 972.0K 121.1M 1% /tmp
/dev/mmcblk0p1 7.2G 32.4M 6.8G 0% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay 7.2G 32.4M 6.8G 0% /
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
/dev/mmcblk0p1 7.2G 32.4M 6.8G 0% /mnt/extroot
AdGuard rocks! Enjoy ad free browsing
Note to update the above with:
mount -t ext4 ${DEVICE} /mnt/extroot
tar -C ${MOUNT} -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt/extroot -xf -
opkg remove gl-sdk4-ui-adguardhome adguard-home gl-sdk4-adguardhome --force-depends
opkg remove gl-sdk4-ui-adguardhome adguard-home gl-sdk4-adguardhome --force-removal-of-dependent-packages
opkg remove gl-sdk4-ui-adguardhome adguard-home gl-sdk4-adguardhome --autoremove
opkg install gl-sdk4-ui-adguardhome --force-reinstall