Drop port 80 for all and redirect to HTTPS for admin panel

How to just drop port 80? As I see, luci and Gl gui accessible via HTTPS. Can I just drop port 80 for all, but for redirect to HTTPS automatically?

For example: -> DROP -> redirect to HTTPS PING -> DROP (drop only to router, between devices i need it)

@alzhao can you help me?

  1. You can close the web server 80 listening: vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/gl.conf

  2. You can create the port forwarding rule for the redirection on GL GUI > NETWORK > Port Forwarding, HTTP at port 80 to HTTPS at port 443:

the external port to 80, set the internal port to 443, and select the protocol TCP, the target IP address to your router IP address.

Can you explain more detailed?

I need to block port 80 to admin panel even in LAN, not to get errors automatically update to HTTPS

You can't block port 80 and still want a redirect to 443.
Port 80 is needed for the redirect.