Dynamic DNS does not work

Without changing any configuration of my routers I discovered today that the Dynamic DNS does not work anymore (it was working well until some days ago). When I test it the following message is shown "The DNS record for this DDNS domain could not be found by the DNS server. Please check the Internet connection of the device.".
Is it a common problem?


What is your router model and firmware version?

I am experiencing on both my routers GL-MT6000 and GL-AX1800 running software 4.6.8

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See the link from the GL DDNS outage thread. It seems that it's happening a lot lately.

Right now GLDDNS is having issues, please try again in a few hours.

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Ohh I thought it was just me..

I've had the GL inet DDNS working without issues, had done my firmware updates and then noticed it was coming up with the same messages...

Would it explain it, if there are issues with the DDNS, I haven't changed anything else and hope its back up and working soon


Sorry for this issue, please restart the DDNS service on the VPN server side, many users have verified that this method resolves the DDNS issue. If this doesn’t work, please send me your DDNS domain via private message. PS: Maybe you need to restart it one more time, but 2-3 times should enough.

If you need a temporary workaround, please manually modify the Endpoint in your VPN client configuration to your public IP address. For example: change Endpoint = xxxxxx.glddns.com:51820 to 1234567:51820. However, please note that this solution may not work for dynamic public IP addresses.

@ impreza233 @santi.calderone @xize11

I'm getting this. Looks like the DDNS server is still down? Unfortunately I don't have my public IP and I'm not at home. Is there still a way to get my public IP from the system? Thanks

Which network are you using, ipv4 or ipv6? And had you ever tried to restart the ddns feature in your router web? if it still no work, please pm your device info to me

I'm using IPv4 to access my VPN server. I haven't tried restarting the DDNS feature because I don't have access to the VPN server device - I need the DDNS to access it. The device is a Brume-2. Thanks

You may try get your public IP by Goodcloud if you had enable goodcloud.

Hi, unfortunately I haven't used it.

How often does your public IP change? Or I can try to obtain your temporary public IP and send you a private message. You can pm your ddns info to me first.

PM-ed my DDNS. Thanks!

Hi Same issue here... Just rebooted the DNS 3 times, waited 15 minutes each time and also rebooted the router...
Still the DNS is not resolved.
I'm going to send you your DDNS in private.

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Hi. Is there any ETA on when the DDNS server will be working again?
I'm currently overseas and unable to access my home server.

Please pm your ddns info to me, we tried to find your temporary public IP to you

In case other people are having the same issue, the root problem has now been resolved but to fix it I had to power cycle my router.