EDIMax 7811U wiress USB adapter

I have a EDIMax Wirless USB adapter. I installed the driver (kmod-rtl18192cu) and rebooted. When I try to enable the adapter in LuCi things go wrong. The gui cycles indicating it’s restarting the wireless. It never finishes. If I go to the Network Interfaces Tab I get just the menu, no content. I have tried to reboot, but I get a login page that asks for password and serial number, but can not login. I get unknown error.

I am of the opinion that the device is killing the on board wireless (no orange light) and I do not see it in a scan from the laptop.

When I pull the wireless adapter and reboot, the device appears to run normally.

The USB adapter works as expected in my other router and laptop.

This is on an AR150 with GLI 2.13 firmware

Are you accessing your router via WAN port? As you said it asked for a password and serial number.

When browse Luci from WAN, the browser will have problems. As luci is denied to be accessible from WAN

I think you can try again.

I was accessing it from the LAN. I think I did no more than remove the adapter and reboot, which worked as usual. I do have DDNS disabled by renaming the file. At this point I can not honestly be sure if I was on an Ethernet cable or wireless.

I had to rebuild the device, and have not reinstalled the device, but am interested in doing so. See this post

This takes me back to my desire to have 2 distinct radios in these units. The whole connection reliability is a concern. I spend too much time fiddling with connections. Running the radio on both sides at a minimum costs 30-50% off the performance. The USB radio is slow compared to the internal radio, but more reliable (in my HooToo TM-02).

I notice there is a entry under (LuCi) System => Startup called SSID that is Disabled. I do not know what this is or for. I did not consciously disable it.

The ssid scripts is our script to correct some configures when you use the device for the first time, e.g. set the correct wireless ssid etc. It will be disabled once run. So just keep it.