Error no parameter found ipvanish


I got 2 gl inet ar750s.

I prepared the first one for my brother to use IPVanish, uploaded the file from IPVanish, entered my email and password, and it works just fine.

When I started doing my own, I keep on getting an error “error no parameter found”.

I am able to upload the file, no problem, but when I enter my email and password, as soon as I click on “Submit” I get the error again.

Both routers are updated to firmware version 3.105

Can someone help me, please?

Thank you.

Just FYI.

I downgraded back to firmware version 3.104 and I was able to finally add the “” for OpenVPN to work with my IPVanish.

I remember that when I did this for my brother, I uploaded the file before upgrading to 3.105, and upgraded keeping settings.

Apparently the issue is with version 3.105 only.

I don’t think 3.105 changed anything in openvpn.

I just tried the and it is OK in my side.

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Was yours set to factory reset before you tried on 3.105?
The reason I ask is because that was the case with both our routers.
In any case, I have mine in 3.104 for now since I know it works for me.
I’ll upgrade when the next version is out and see if I can replicate the issue then (hopefully not).
Thank you very much for trying on your end, I really appreciate it.

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I’m currently having the same issue with firmware version 3.2

Which model?

I just tried Slate 3.201 snapshot Beta2. It accept IPVanish

I have the Beryl mt1300

I don’t know why. I just tried MT1300 and the same and it works ok.

Any update? I’m having exactly the same issue on the same router model.

I’m replying to my own message in case someone stumbles across it. I contacted gl.inet tech support who sent me a beta 3.21 version of the firmware and that fixed the problem for me. You should find it in the ‘testing’ folder on the firmware download site. If not then write to tech support. They do have a firmware version that works with IPVanish. I’m happy about this because so far, I’m liking both IPVanish and my new router. I’d hate to have to replace either one.

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