extender mode

I have a mt1300. I want to use it to connect wired network printer to my home network but configure traffic rules to whitelist my server to manage print jobs from.

The mt1300 needs to be wirelessly extending the network so my printer can be accessed wirelessly by my server on my home network.

I tried to set up the extender mode. I changed my ip to the router's subnet range but could not load the router config webpage at the router's ip. I read that I must be connected to the router's ssid as recognized as beryl by my network manager? It does not show up after setting extender mode.


There is probably a known bug in extender.
The clients which are connected to extender, the client of the GL main router list may be incomplete due to the bug of the extender router (MT1300).

You can manually set the IP segment of extender through your computer and access the GL Web UI of extender router (MT1300) to view the clients list and IP. Then there are device traffic rules on the main router.

I am confused.

Allow me to rephrase what I am trying to do and maybe it would better enable you to suggest or make recommendations for configurations to solve my problem.

My printer and scanner are operable over ethernet tcp network connections.
I have connected them to the ethernet ports on my MT1300.

I Need to connect my MT1300 to my Arris BGW320 main router wirelessly, with minimal configuration changes done on the Arris itself, so that my server which is connected directly to my Arris router can manage my printer. I believe my MT1300 needs its LAN bridged to its WAN, too.

I have been trying to follow some instructions provided by chatgpt but it's not very helpful. I am trying to make advanced configurations in Luci OpenWRT settings but I have difficulty following it all; its probably just chatgpt isn't very good at explaining.

Can you give me an example or link to another issue to help me understand better what this would look like?

How about the extender mode set up in the MT1300?

Printer --- --- MT1300 --- --- ))) ((( ---Primary Router --- Server
From printer to the Server, they are in the same subnet LAN.

Recommend set up the static IP in the printer if it supported to set, that will be let the whole LAN easy to find the printer.

After spending some more time thinking about the configurations and understanding how my hardware works, I got extender mode working to connect my printer and scanner.

Thank you.

Can you tell me, Are the network modes like profiles, made, saved and applied to the router when active, and removed when a different mode is chosen?

If you swap the mode like say from A to B, the configuration of the previous mode A will be obtained. After the configuration is continued to modify in B and the apply&saved, only mode B will be recorded at this time.
Thus, the configuration of mode A will be overwritten and replaced.

Okay, how can I back up a configurationand later restore it?

It is not recommended to import configurations across versions as it may cause software incompatibilities.
It is recommended to upgrade to the firmware version of the exported configuration before importing this configuration.

Luci -> system -> backup/flash... ->Download backup