Firmware 3.105 Snapshot Update

Can anyone pls share updated changelogs? Latest update on main post is for 11-18. Checking the snapshot folder, 11-19, 11-20, and 3.105_beta1 have been added since.

I just tried openwrt-mv1000-emmc-3.105-1120.img (over 104) and it went well for a few minutes. I was able to upgrade AdGuard. But In firewall, my 2 port forward rules had disappeared. I tried to add one and got the error “No parameter found”.

. I’ll wait for stable.

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Hi, is there any way to include this fix: IOS14 USB tethering not working · Issue #1038 · libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice · GitHub
in the update? It fixes the iOS 14 Tethering problem!

If you check the thread, you can see GL @luochongjun is the creator of the issue and has been monitoring the thread. Fixes should come soon.


How can I use this feature?

I need to get a split tunnel configuration (wireguard client)

Thanks in advance,

Hi @alzhao @luochongjun

Using openwrt-mv1000-emmc-3.105-1120,

  1. under ‘File Sharing’, it is NOT writable.
  2. Goodcloud S2S is not working too.

Appreciate your team could check.

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thanks for your feedsback, I’ll check it

Please download router firmware at here.

Yes, I have added a patch and am doing some tests.

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Thanks, I’ll check it.

I’ve already installed this specific release, but I cannot find out, how to configure a split VPN Tunnel.
Any hints?

Wireguard client can split the data by configuring the allowedIPs parameter.

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I’ve already configured the only subnet (Wireguard client) with, but Http/Https didn’t work on local subnet 192.168.12.x.

I have installed “openwrt-n300-3.105-1120.bin Fri Nov 20 2020 04:33:45 GMT+0300” this firmware and my microuter has doomed. I can see login screen, i can enter the login password, but after the log in, there is only rounding circle. I wait maybe 15 minutes but wouldnt passed to the interface.

I am pissed off. How do i revert this router back? I never used uart things. I am a noob.

edit: i could enter it via ssh.

edit 2: i uploaded old firmware with winscp and ssh’d sysupgrade -v /tmp/*.bin. Its been easy but i scared much.

Please try and upload the betas. Btw they didnt improved wifi connection speed so it was 144 Mbps. Too bad.

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I’ve got the split tunnel working:
Allowed IPs AND VPN Policy enabled

Thanks a lot!

@luochongjun Will You create a prerelease version if You got it working? Would be fantastic!

Of course, there is already have test firmware for fixing IOS14.

If the IP address cannot be obtained, try the following steps

I am using the beta 1 currently

Would it be possible to add quad9 and adguard to the DoT options please?

This should already be in the firmware. Adguard is only in some models which is powerful enough.

thanks @alzhao for the response.

I did not mean adguard home.

I mean please add adguard dns and quad9 dns to the list of DoT options.

Currently the choice is Cloudflare or NextDNS only on beta1 firmware.

I hope that is clearer now.

thanks again.