Firmware downgrade

I am running firmware 4.6 beta on a S1300 and would like to downgrade to latest stable version, can I flash it through the web interface or I need to reflash from uboot?

Not totally sure for the S1300 but for nearly all devices it is sufficient to upload the older firmware via web. Make sure that you don't keep settings!

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It should be fine. Just try.

The stable version is 3.x. Why do you want to go back?

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Thanks for asking, I want to go back because of some bugs, sometimes the wifi 2.4 doesn't come back from schedule night off. And the devices list is empty, I can see it for a few hours after a reboot, but then it's gone. Should I wait for a new coming beta?

So it is two potential bugs:

  1. 2.4G wifi does not come back from schedule off/on. Pls confirm you did this from the UI.
  2. Device list is gone after reboot.

We will verify and fix.

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Do you mean 4.3.13? I don't find 4.6 firmware for S1300.

Yes, 4.3.13...latest beta version.

Bug 1 yes, I did it from the UI.
Bug 1 actually device list shows soon after reboot, then after a few hours it's gone and to have it again I need to reboot.

I tested wifi schedule and it works fine so far.

For the device list, it works also good. I don't have many devices though.

Anyway this firmware is still beta and didn't go through all the test.