Flint 2 Client List Sorting

New Flint 2 user here, coming from tp-link. Loving the different interface so far.

It would be amazing to be able to sort the client list by connection type as I've seen in other routers UI.

Using Guest 2.4 GHz for IoT devices and having mostly everything else on 5 makes it difficult to figure out what is running and what isn't, especially with multiple IoT devices having opaque naming conventions like "wlan0", "Unknown", etc.

The dynamic sorting by Default, Name, IP, u/l, d/l don't have this capability to sort by connection type. What's the value for managing devices based on these as they keep moving around? As a workaround to read scan quickly, record an IP and search for that IP to highlight it to be able to view details. Also with connection type search I could quickly do a count to see all items and determine what's missing from my master list.

The small light blue icon on white which is kind of difficult to read could be used as a sort mechanism?


Support to sort the list according to the designated data, like:

Additionally, it can re-name manually for some clients if convenient.

Also be aware that the Clients list only shows clients in the same subnet as the router. (link) If your IOT devices are put on a different subnet (like the Guest Wifi), they don't appear in this list.

They are available in the Luci interface however!