Flint 2 Wireguard issues

Short Version:

I have GlInet being used a Wireguard Client to Torguard, however the connections from devices on Wireguard are all over, the speed fluctuates so much. Even on an iPhone connected this way, the speed test is sometimes 0/0 , sometimes 200/10, sometimes 50/3 … I am not sure what is causing this.

I also keep getting this message on the GlInet On/Off:
Operation timed out. Please check the network environment or reboot the device.

Memory usage is around 25% , CPU Load is 0 ? Can’t be right.

Long Version:

I am behind CGNAT (double nat) with T-Mobile ISP. I want to expose some of my docker containers (Plex and others) via Wireguard Tunnel running on an Unraid NAS Box. I was hoping Glinet would allow this.

The only way I could get this working was to switch some of my containers to use their own IP via br0, this way I was able to use Wireguard on GlInet to use “VPN Policy Base on the Client Device”, then I went to Network Firewall and set appropriate Port Forwards from wgclient → LAN so those docker apps are exposed from the outside.

However the speed is very erratic, all over. I am starting to think the router might be a little bit underpowered to handle all my network. The NAS box is hard wired to the Glinet.

The other thing also I have noticed, if Wireguard is active on the router, other devices are very slow to browse, but once I disable Wireguard connection everything goes back to normal.

— Update

Apologies, I narrowed down the connectivity issues from my PC to Router to a Netgear Gigabit Switch that was sitting between my PC and the Router, Connecting the PC directly to the Router solved most of the issues I have. I am not sure why the Switch was interfering with the connection (it was working before with my Asus router)

I still have Wireguard speeds that are all over, looking at those now (comparing Wi-Fi vs Wired)

GL’s advertised speed ratings is WG Client mode, wired to closest available server. Some general troubleshooting tips:

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