Flint keeps crashing

any help with the command line how to download/get these file contents please?

I guess you can get the log via WinSCP.

Download WinSCP and connect with your router IP, root and the root password via SCP.

Admin correct me if I am wrong.


My email address is ‘li.zhang@gl-inet.com’.


Hi nickyz:

As Jounouchi suggests, you can use SCP.

And you can also install lrzsz,then log in router via ssh and exec ‘sz /etc/ax1800.log’ and ‘sz /etc/ax1800.log.old’.

strangely, after the commands you suggested, there is no /etc/ax1800.log.old existing. Only the .log life, and frankly spoken there is nothing interesting into it for the moment. I decided finaly to stop the AdGuard Home and the router is up for about 2 days with no hangs.

That is ok.‘/etc/ax1800.log.old’ will be created until the size of /etc/ax1800.log reaches 1024KB.

have the same issue… crashes every other day…it wont recover unless i unplugged. currently on 3.207. going back to my original Flint

When you reply a 2 year old post pls just describe in more details, e.g. firmware version etc.