Flint Stuck in endless loop on Wireguard start

I got a case that this happens on ProtonVPN Wireguard. It does not come with a pre-shared key.

I am testing ProtonVPN Wireguard now.

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Same issue here - works on the laptop itself, but canā€™t connect my router.
Tue Nov 29 13:26:32 2022 user.notice wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=REKEY-TIMEOUT SHLVL=2 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/
Tue Nov 29 13:26:37 2022 user.notice wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=REKEY-TIMEOUT SHLVL=2 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/

This is my endless loop

ser.notice wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=REKEY-TIMEOUT SHLVL=2 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/

I have two wireguard VPN servers (created with pivpn) on two different raspberrys, but after updating to the last Flint version I canā€™t connect to them, but they are working as I can connect using MV1000 and using the android wireguard client

Any ideas ? Do you need any extra info?

Are you using GUI of LuCi for setup?

I used GUI for the setup

It does not connect at all, or it connect and break?

If it is the first case, may need to verify the config once again on your phone etc.

If you can, send me one config in private message.

it doesnā€™t connect
it works in the MV1000 and in the phone

I am getting the same problem

Same. Did anyone figure this out? @alzhao @Serd

Update Uboot
Do a clean install to 4.x using Uboot

Most of the issues is caused by keeping settings

Back ups that are created in LuCi seem to work (donā€™t reuse a backup config file generated in 3.x

Thanks for replying. Looks like it was a config file misconfiguration with the public key. I got it working, but now I keep getting this in the log, is it normal?

Mon Jan 16 16:45:47 2023 kern.info kernel: [ 1147.694386] wireguard: wireguard-hotplug IFNAME=wgclient ACTION=KEYPAIR-CREATED
Mon Jan 16 16:45:47 2023 user.notice wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=KEYPAIR-CREATED SHLVL=1 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/
Mon Jan 16 16:47:47 2023 kern.info kernel: [ 1268.161091] wireguard: wireguard-hotplug IFNAME=wgclient ACTION=KEYPAIR-CREATED
Mon Jan 16 16:47:47 2023 user.notice wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=KEYPAIR-CREATED SHLVL=1 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/
Mon Jan 16 16:49:47 2023 kern.info kernel: [ 1388.646300] wireguard: wireguard-hotplug IFNAME=wgclient ACTION=KEYPAIR-CREATED
Mon Jan 16 16:49:48 2023 user.notice wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=KEYPAIR-CREATED SHLVL=1 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/
Mon Jan 16 16:51:48 2023 kern.info kernel: [ 1509.035397] wireguard: wireguard-hotplug IFNAME=wgclient ACTION=KEYPAIR-CREATED
Mon Jan 16 16:51:48 2023 user.notice wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=KEYPAIR-CREATED SHLVL=1 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/

Who is the VPN provider? alzhao I think did mention something about certain VPN that the keypair did not work. Also it might be a issue in you vpn config file.

Not sure if this is related:

It is my own wireguard server router on openwrt 23.03.03 at a different location setup using the wireguard server setup wiki on openwrt. The DNS is the main router IP address, which the openwrt server router is behind. Here is my config file for the client:

Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = yGzJjxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = exaxxxx.duckdns.org:51820
PersistentKeepalive = 25
PublicKey = Eorq+jDgkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PresharedKey = es79xpyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Pls check if your ddns resolves to the same IP everytime.

I also observe that your used 192.168.9.x and 192.168.4.x subnet. Pls make sure these are valid.

If you cannot make it work at all, it may be your server side set up.

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I have the same issue. It stays in a loop trying to connect.

In my GL-MT300N-V2 everything works fine.

I just upgraded to a GL-MT2500A and I cannot connect to my Wireguard VPN.

I am using VPN Unlimited as a VPN provider.

And I have an additional issue that I do not know if it is relatedā€¦

When I stop my failed wireguard connection, I lose connection to the internet. I need to restart the router in order to get connection to the internet.

Got it working! And found my problemā€¦

When adding Manual configuration, it is ignoring Peer PresharedKey. I add in Item Mode and got it working.

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I remember this bug. It should have been fixed in latest firmware.

Up^ I have the same ā€œissueā€ in my logs @alzhao is it OK?

Log does not show the reason. But the latest snapshot should have fixed everything.

i have same issue version 4.0.3 Release 7

wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=REKEY-TIMEOUT SHLVL=2 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/\nFri Mar 31 09:32:39 2023 user.notice wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=REKEY-TIMEOUT SHLVL=2 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/\nFri Mar 31 09:32:44 2023 user.notice wireguard-debug: USER=root ifname=wgclient ACTION=REKEY-TIMEOUT SHLVL=2 HOME=/ HOTPLUG_TYPE=wireguard LOGNAME=root DEVICENAME= TERM=linux SUBSYSTEM=wireguard PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PWD=/\n"