Flint with AdGuardHome + Unbound DNS on Pi

Hi all,

How do I configure my AX1800 Flint with AdGuardHome ( to use the recursive Unbound DNS running on my RasPi2 with Pi-hole ( as my upstream DNS, and just use AdGuardHome as DNS proxy for content filtering. At the moment I’ve replaced the below


with as seen in the attached screenshot, not sure though if this configuration is working.

Yup, should work like that.

Make sure to enforce AGH for all devices.
It’s not even necessary to use AGH. You can simply specify a new DNS within the DNS settings of the router itself.

AGH will just take up resources.

Does not work actually, clients unable to resolve DNS requests when is set as upstream, even the router itself is unable to resolve host names although pinging an ip address e.g., works. I have disabled AGH and set the router’s DNS settings to manual and set it to, internet now works but this setup is not what I intended. Ad blocking seems to be spotty at best, and I am not sure if Pihole’s adlist really works as expected because clients can now access porn whereas before they could not with AGH. Moreover internet connection would suddenly stop because of temporary failure in name resolution per Pihole logs, and for the meantime I’ve enabled AGH again until the intended setup works.

HI. I don’t know if you solved it. I followed this great VIDEO to install unbound and it works perfectly if you follow the instructions exactly. Before I didn’t complain about the speed of opening pages, but now, believe me, it’s lightning fast! On AdGuard I then indicated on the servers simply and then cloudflare and whatever you want.

Why would you need unbound + AGH?
AGH is able to resolve any DNS upstream by itself

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Hi admon. What you say is very true, except that unbound is recursive so it records requests and provides responses as needed without asking the various servers. If he doesn’t have the answer, he himself asks the question to the upstream servers and then records it for future requests. The speed you gain is impressive. If you like, spend a few minutes of your time because believe me, it’s really worth it. The difference in response from the most popular sites is immediate (in the true sense of the word)! AGH continues to do its job and among its upstream servers I first put unbound (, then cloudflare and adguard itself. If you try, let me know. I would be curious to know your impressions.

It’s important to note that by using Unbound you lose upstream encrypted DNS. Querying the root servers directly doesn’t currently (generally) support encryption, though work is being done. Using AGH alone (10MB cache, optimistic caching, parallel queries, DNSSEC, NullIP and default TTLs my processing time is currently just 1ms See

Thank you. I knew something good would come out of it. Is there a guide that shows what the best settings you mention in the post are? I have always used pihole on the nas, but being AGH on the router I preferred it. However I don’t know him. Thank you

I don’t see any reason why AGH with a good upstream server shouldn’t be a bad choice at all.
If you use parallel requests, all should be lightning fast and fine.

I had set up AGH precisely with parallel requests and there is no doubt it was fast in responses. However, believe me, using unbound is lightning fast. The difference is huge!

So please provide some data and roundtrip times - just telling this is “fast” won’t make me trust you :wink:

I have no reason to tell lies. I don’t have to and don’t want to convince anyone at all. For this reason I invited you to do a test yourself by trying it in your environment. That doesn’t mean you have to do it, of course.

It’s not about lies, but you should provide details about what do you think is better now.
“It’s faster” is just a statement without any real detail.

I don’t understand why need 2 dns server with same things?
My option make one box for firewall with your own dns server then connect main router with adguard home server. Then put primary ip address (firewall) to upstream.
Solved problem.
But I can’t see what difference, I don’t see speed :thinking:

Unbound is a validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver. It is designed to be fast and lean and incorporates modern features based on open standards.
To help increase online privacy, Unbound supports DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS which allows clients to encrypt their communication. In addition, it supports various modern standards that limit the amount of data exchanged with authoritative servers. These standards do not only improve privacy but also help making the DNS more robust. The most important are Query Name Minimisation, the Aggressive Use of DNSSEC-Validated Cache and support for authority zones, which can be used to load a copy of the root zone.


AdGuard Home is a network-wide ad blocking and tracking software. Once you set it up, it will cover ALL your home devices, and you don’t need any client-side software for this.

It is clear that they are two different things. I’m not saying I take my word for it because of the speed of response, but at least you’ll agree that unbound was created with a specific purpose, while AGH has another.
I repeat, I don’t have to and don’t want to convince anyone. In fact, to be honest, from today onwards I will be careful not to say anything!
I have a Flint 2 with AGH and UNBOUND. Compared to when I only had AGH, with UNBOUND the difference in response is huge. Very free not to believe it. If you want you can do the tests yourself, following the video I posted above. But until then, without the same configuration, comparisons made with other systems are useless.

Adguard home support dns over tls, dns over https.
Adguard home is dns resolver server.
What else? I don’t see difference :roll_eyes:

Could you please provide a DNS speed test?
dig should be fine.