Flint2 (GL-MT6000) : best firmware update, and best way to do

As I told on another thread (Unknown error occured when logging in - #28 by MilesTEG), I may want to have a more up-to date OpenWRT on my Flint2.

But I'm afraid I won't get all my settings back and that I don't really like a sole LUCI interface :sweat_smile:

So, I understand that I can upgrade to this:

Which build should I use?

My current usage:

  • Use 2,5GbE from my ISP to my LAN;
  • use VPN Server on the GL.iNet : Wireguard and OpenVPN, with QRcode;
  • IP reservation;
  • Port forwarding;
  • Thethering failover with my smartphone 5G/4G;
  • GoodCloud to know when my router get offline/online;
  • DHCP server (IPv4 only);

and what I plan:

  • Use banIP package;
  • Use Crowdsec with a more up to date version;
  • Maybe AdGuard Home if the Average processing time is better than my previous tests;
  • Create a iOT network (actually I use the guest network);
  • Keep the 2,5 GbE througput I have (nearly);
  • Keep the good wifi throughput too;

So, what do you suggest?
What method?

And, is there a failover of I don't like what I flashed? Get back to what I have now.

Thanks in advance :wink:

That is the only version providing GL GUI + more up-to-date OpenWrt.

All other firmware will either lack of GL GUI and GL features (all official OpenWrt ones) or won't update the OpenWrt (the 4.7)

Please keep in mind that you should not keep settings while upgrading to one of them. So you need to reconfigure the router from scratch.

You can always go back by flashing an older image.

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Hello :wave:t2:
Thanks @admon

Can you confirm the the GL 4.6.6-op24 will get the updates that came for the upcoming 4.7 version?
Do this GL 4.6.6-op24 version contains all cve fixes included with 4.6.8? Or 4.7 ?

I know that I should erase setting when upgrading. I did backed up the settings from the 4.6.8 version inside LUCI.
Should I add something else to the backup in order to get exactly what I have now in case I want to downgrade to 4.6.8?

No, I can't confirm it since I am not into development. Maybe @bruce can.

The backup file from luci should be enough. Keep in mind that all 3rd party applications will be lost anyway. You might need to backup your opkg packages then: HOW-TO: Script: List My OPKGs (to a file for backup)

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I hope he can confirm this :slight_smile:

And maybe he can answer the question about the eventually build 4.7-op24?

Done :white_check_mark:

From what I read, openwrt 24 still isn't ready for release. I think changing from OPKG to APK has something to do with the delay. They've complete migrating to kernel 6.6

My guess is we won't see anything this year....

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Actually... alot of the main stream openwrt has been improved but it is time consuming to pick the correct time, and then there are probably also other certain hardware which may show undiscoverable issues within the wifi driver though these issues are likely closed in to a small group of devices.

Only issue currently with master is how dnsmasq.d works, this is currently sorta broken which then breaks logic for nextdns and other things because packages have no clue where to find dnsmasq.d since they added support for multiple dnsmasq instances not just dnsmasq servers.

^ still i find it weird why someone want multiple dnsmasq processes and then uses a uci'd random name for dnsmasq.d like dnsmasq.d.cfg28382 which goes against its purpose for overriding global things to all servers, i yet have to discover such type of use case / setup :slight_smile:, there is a discussion to revert this change, i'd agree with Stangri here but i also think multiple instances should be supported aslong it doesn't break dnsmasq.d which it does currently :slight_smile:

For apk i would not worry too much for this since they seem to choose the path of having both opkg and apk.

Regarding to the CVE fix situation of GL firmware, please check:

The 4.7-op24 has not ready inside, kindly await.

Hello @bruce
Thanks for your reply.
So, according to this:

the 4.6.6-op24 contains the CVE security fixes from October 14 2024, is that right?

So It's safe to change to this firrmware?

I know the 4.7 isn't ready yet. Do you think it can arrives until the end of the year?

I may try the 4.6.6-op24 :innocent: as it seems easy to roll back to the 4.6.8-op21.02.

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started branching version 24.10, now it reaches rc and stable



Probably difficult to achieve, since currently resource is nervous.

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Which one is for the MT6000?

mediatek / filogic

See OpenWrt Firmware Selector

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