How may I instruct the router to let one or more clients (mediaplayers) to by-pass AdGuard completely or, at least, to use another DNS than AGH? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your answer. I know this part of AGH's menu. But I tried to ADD CLIENT and....what to do further?! I tried to identify my client by IP, but nothing happens when pressed SAVE.
What are you actually trying to achieve?
You could change upstream dns different device than global setting adguard home.
I recomend to add mac address (if not random mac addres device)
Clients can be identified by their IP address, CIDR, MAC address, or ClientID (can be used for DoT/DoH/DoQ). Learn more about how to identify clients here.
Another option - change dns address in your device, not router.
Thanks, I will try today, I'll let you know if it works.
Is this the op24 version?
You can try to use dhcp tags and sent dhcp option 6,yourdnsip it did worked for me, in op24 i think they have these options now visible inside luci -> network -> dhcp -> static leases, although it might be still in w.i.p.
Otherwise you can try using the CLI and follow this guide please: [OpenWrt Wiki] DHCP and DNS configuration /etc/config/dhcp
It's 4.6.2 FW glinet standard. I try to circumvent AGH because of keeping the streaming free of any possible intervention.Thanks.
Check your AGH configuration and filter lists. Maybe change upstream DNS as well.
AGH does not affect streaming regularly. Excluding devices from using AGH is a pain and not really useful for most users.
I tried to change upstream DNS, nothing works (can't save the configuration for a specific IP). I do not know how to identify filters which can impact streaming, if any idea....
Disable all and check, then start enabling a few and check the logs about blocking.