Fully turn off GL-XE300 (Puli) remotely?

Hi. This might be a stupid question, but is there a way through the GUI or CLI to turn off a GL-XE300 (Puli) like the "Power Button" on the back of the unit? Thanks in advance.

I doubt it.

poweroff via SSH might work - but I am not sure.

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Yeah. That's what I just did...


We'll see if completely shuts off or if it just goes into a halt state.

Problem is I have it in my car hooked up to USB-C via cigarette lighter adapter. As soon as the USB-C is energized, it automatically turns on, which is great. But sometimes, I forget to turn it off manually after I exit the vehicle. 8 hours later, the Puli's battery is dead, which is bad over time. — I'll update this post once I find out what it does but I can no longer log into the Puli or ping it so it at least went into a halt state which might drain the battery slower.

Mine shuts down completely but only if it is not powered from external anymore. (at least my Puli AX)

The poweroff command is a little strange :wink:

Some routers handle this and it works, other routers just reboot because they have no shutdown.

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It mostly depends on power management. Software-based power management will be able to shut down the device entirely. Hardware-based power management can't do that.

So in general: If your device has some real hardware ON/OFF switch, it won't work. If it's just a soft-button, it should work.

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What about physical smart switch bot?

Confirmed. The Puli goes into a halt state but it's still powered on (Only the Power LED is lit up) after the poweroff command.