github Gl-infra-builder 404

Is there any chance we could get a target file for the MT2500/MT3000/AXT1800 in the gl-infra-builder? I’d like to start playing around with a more stock compile.

When I open it, it prompts 404

Please refer to this:

When I wrote to them, they told me that it would never be possible to get access to this repository. What did I do wrong? I bought the device and I just want to compile the firmware and use it.

If that's the official response there is no way to build your own firmware anymore, I am sorry.
Please use a prebuild one or plain OpenWrt if supported.

GL iNet firmware is closed source software, like most other router vendors. This is a change their management made.

My only recommendation is, If you don't like their policies, don't buy their products.