GL-INET Admin Tool does not show option for remote access (only Plugins, Files Sharing and IGMP)


mit GL-INET Admin Tool does not show option for remote access (only Plugins, Files Sharing and IGMP). So, I cannot connect to

It is a GL-AR300M-7af, firmware 3.2.16. MQTT package in installed, however gl_mqtt is not found.

Thanks in advance,

Check firmware 3.216, "Remote Acess“ is there.

Please try resetting firmware.

Unfortunately, this is not true. 3.216 installed, but the option is still hidden. What to do?

I tried the exact 3.216 and AR300M16 and the remote access is there.

Did you install/unstall anything?

Can you reset the firmware and use a new browser to check?

By reset you mean “revert” the firmware?

Yes. The correct term is “reset” because it just clears the config. But on firmware 3.x it is “Revert”.

OK, thank you. Please give me some days to try, have to save the config first and will be off some days.