I have recently bought a GL-M2 with 5G modem (Quectel RM520N) and I am struggling to get the 5G connection up and running on it and I think I need some advice to get it running correctly.
I use the GL-M2 with GL-AX1800/Flint through the USB port on AX1800 and the carrier is Three UK. I have tested the Three SIM card on a spare iPhone Xs and even on the GL.iNet GL-XE300/Puli and the SIM works with both.
However I just cannot get it to work on the GL-M2 after trying with permutations of different modes (3G/QMI/QCI) with different possible Three UK APNs - “three.co.uk” and “3internet” from search engines - all have failed to work. And I have tried to reboot the modem and the router as well and still no luck.
I also contacted support from Three UK for any configuration advice but they insisted I use the auto configuration and keep directing me to the manufacturer of the 5G modem so no real help from the service provider either.
Any help/advice would be appreciated, and many thanks in advance.
First, you need to check that the antenna of the module is inserted correctly
You can then try to connect to 4G first by executing the following commands over ssh.
gl_modem -B 2-1 AT AT+QNWPREFCFG="mode_pref",LTE
Please use the double quotation marks in English format
gl_modem -B 2-1 AT AT+CFUN=0; sleep 1; gl_modem -B 2-1 AT AT+CFUN=1
Did you ever resolve this?
I've been fighting the same (or similar) issue with the Beryl AX (MT3000) with the GL-M2 board and a brand new GiffGaff SIM. The simple interface on the Beryl just would not configure the GL-M2. Everything I tried just resulted in "Connecting...".
I stumbled across this page : https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/wwan/ltedongle and followed the "Sample Installation" assuming QMI mode (opkg installed a missing package). Then I followed "Configuration", "With LuCi web interface" section, setting "PDP Type" to "IPv4" in the drop-down in LuCi. Initially, I had assumed IPv4/IPv6 and I noticed the System log contained "Unable to connect IPv6" in relation to the new interface I created and then restarted the interface. Don't forget to assign the new interface to the WAN zone in firewall settings. There was no need to continue to the "Editing text configuration files" section.
In fact, this (my first post) is being sent via the Beryl AX and GL-M2!
Hope that helps.
I'm having the same issues as described above: (" SIM card not registered").
I tried all of the suggestions above, including ChristianJHJose's link to the openwrt user guide.
I have a Slate GL-AXT1800 and an Opal GL-SFT1200 and I tried connecting the GL-M2 Dev Board with a RM520N 5G modem to both of them to no avail. (the Opal doesn't seem to have the luci-proto-qmi drivers available, so that might be a dead end, but the Slate should be able to use the M2 Board, right?)
I started trying a giffgaff 5G card (which uses the O2 network) and when that wasn't working even after going through all the settings suggested here, I thought it might be the SIM, so I got myself a Three SIM, an EE SIM and a Smarty SIM, none of which work. I tried the auto setup and when that inevitably fails I manually entered the respective APN settings.