GL-MT2500 Brume2 op24/OpenWRT


I was just wondering why there isn’t yet an op24 version available for this device? I expect it’s connected to the fact there is only a snapshot version for openwrt. Is there a technical reason why this hasn’t happened?

Thanks :slight_smile:


There's a 23.05.4 version of Immortalwrt for the MT2500

I think it's a demand issue, plus op24 seems to only exist to test the opensource wireless drivers against the closed source proprietary wireless drivers of the Mediatek SDK for the MT3000 and MT6000.

tl;dr MT2500 does not have wireless so no op24 version

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Thanks for this, very interesting. However it seems designed for Chinese users from what I can see. Also I didn’t know op24 was only for wifi enabled devices!

Yes Immortal has two languages, chinese and english, it's also got some kernel optimisations.

Sounds interesting. I might take a look thanks.

Might be testing it out too, 4.7.0 installed and it is not pretty.

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With Openwrt 24.10 on it's way, please may we have a op24 version for the Brume 2?

Reasons for:

  1. 6.6 kernel
  2. No WiFi drivers to worry about
  3. Moving away from the 21.02 SDK will give the most up to date drivers.
  4. The Brume 2 Mediatek chipset with DDR4 1GB / EMMC 8GB should be quite future proof.

Is there anyway I can add the GL stuff to a Openwrt snapshot build?

Technically I could flash the mt3000 op24 build to my mt3000, find the SNAPSHOT revision, opkg list all installed packages, find the GL repo, build including the repo.

But I'd prefer an official build :pleading_face:


I still don’t understand why we can’t get an op24 release for Brume2? There hasn’t really been to this point an explanation of why or if this is going to happen.

OpenWrt 24.0, r27229+44-ebe7c5f1a3

above is the Openwrt SNAPSHOT version that MT3000 op24 is based on.

Just looking at pulling that version, +44 means GL have added 44 patches to the revision, and it's old.

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Would be great to get that, hopefully one where they haven't wasted their time removing the gl.inet wifi elements we still want to be in place.

Given the MT3000 already has an op24 release and the hardware is near identical it's obviously a great starting point, don't mess about with it crippling the wifi support just give us the same release for MT2500 (change device picture if you wish but otherwise just leave it alone), it's a win/win to give customers what they want and saves gl.inet time as well. Yes we'd still be stuck without any official wifi chipset support (unless they see some additional sense) but at least for situations where everything in the background works fine the gl.inet front end would also work correctly (example, wifi device works but gl.inet front end doesn't: A mt76 wifi dongle success)

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Would be nice to get an official comment from Glinet on op24 support for Brume2. There doesn’t seem to be any technical obstacles.


"Technically I could flash the mt3000 op24 build to my mt3000, find the SNAPSHOT revision, opkg list all installed packages, find the GL repo, build including the repo."

The MT3000 is very similar to the MT2500 from hardware perspective so I'd hope that would work (and as an added benefit the wifi pages wouldn't be missing/crippled and would understand what a wifi uplink is - added hope for those of us who'd like to try adding a wifi dongle!).

I agree an official gl.inet op24 build is preferable but given the total lack of response from gl.inet on this I think we'll be waiting a VERY long time, if you think above would work we'd at least have something and I'd be very interested in giving it a try :slight_smile:


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Is there a place where these patches can be found?

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Only listed ones are here:

Something weird is being seen on Openwrt 24.10 rc2 on the MT2500/MT2500A.

Sadly there's no op24 for the Brume 2 for anyone to test the GL-iNet preferred 2.5G driver that's being used in the MT3000.