GL-MT3000 cannot access local devices on VPN

I am trying to setup my Beryl AX to mask my location (appear as if I am home) and access my local devices (Synology SMB shares) by connecting to an OpenVPN server on my Synology NAS.

If I use the Beryl AX OpenVPN client to connect to connect to my Synology OpenVPN server I can only either mask my location or access my local devices, not both. If I set the VPN Client to "Global Proxy" I can mask the location but cannot access the NAS. If I set the VPN Client to "Auto Detect", then my location is not masked but I can access the NAS.

This is how I believe everything is connected

However if I use an OpenVPN client (not the one on the Beryl) on my laptop to connect to the VPN server, I can mask my location and access the NAS

Is there something I'm missing on the Beryl AX configuration to be able to access both?

  1. Select the 'Global'.
  2. Try to add route rule in the MT3000:
  3. Disable this option:

Update, this topology seems may re-correct:

Thank you, could you clarify where I can get to the first screen in your picture to add the route? I'm not seeing that on my MT3000

This helped me partially :slight_smile: the routing acessed is via luci. The interface i chose was the openvpn client

GL GUI -> System -> Advanced Settings -> Luci -> Network -> Static route

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